Volunteering at Brunswick
We welcome and encourage volunteers into our school community, as they bring a wealth of skills and experience that can enhance the learning opportunities of our children.
Volunteers may be parents or carers, relatives, ex-pupils, students from other educational establishments or interested local residents. Through volunteering you learn how a school works and become involved with a community of adults all working together to promote learning.
We prefer to offer volunteering opportunities for a minimum of half a term, rather than very short-term placements. We feel this is better for volunteers and pupils, as teachers can begin to plan for the volunteer, and their support becomes part of weekly routines. Children also build meaningful learning relationships over time. Volunteers who have moved onto courses and jobs after volunteering with us, have told us how important it was to work with us in this way, as it gave them the opportunity to reflect on their role, how children learn and how teachers teach.
Parents and carers volunteering in school are not generally assigned to work in their own child’s class, apart from on one-off projects (see below). This is because it can be very distracting for young children, if they see their parent or carer walking in and out of class or working somewhere else in the room.
Volunteers may help in a variety of ways, including hearing children read, working with a group or individuals, assisting with projects in school or supporting off-site visits.
Volunteers may help in a variety of ways, including hearing children read, working with a group or individuals, assisting with projects in school or supporting off-site visits.
Special roles
We have a number of other areas where we require volunteers, where your area of expertise might be best suited.
- Forest School. Maddy Alexander, our Forest School teacher is always keen to welcome volunteers who have a passion for gardening/the outdoors.
- Library – a role that doesn’t involve children! Miss Ramalingum, our Library lead, would welcome volunteers to help keep our library in order.
- Lunchtime crafts/games. If you would like to spend some time making and/or playing, then this is the role for you!
Becoming a volunteer
Anyone wishing to become a volunteer should express their interest by emailing Michelle Graham, our volunteer co-ordinator:
The application process for regular in-school volunteers includes:
- Completion of the volunteer application form
- Acquisition of two satisfactory references
- DBS clearance
- Attendance at safeguarding training
Individuals wishing to support on a one-off basis such as a school trip, are not required to supply references.
We look forward to you joining us as we journey to achieving success with determination and joy.