Welcome to Brunswick Buddies |
Brunswick Buddies
WEEK ONE: 7th - 11th APRIL WEEK TWO: 14th - 17th APRIL
Click here to see our brochure with prices and booking details https://brunswick.magicbooking.co.uk/Register
We are delighted to welcome you to Brunswick Buddies Out of School Care provision.
Brunswick Buddies Breakfast, After School and Holiday Clubs are run by the school, on site and are open to all children in all year groups.
Children have access to a wide range of toys and equipment and benefit greatly from the use of our extensive outdoor facilities and green space.
Childcare delivered in a safe and supervised environment. Our qualified staff are DBS checked to an enhanced level, first aid qualified and are experienced in and passionate about, the wide range of fun and engaging activities we offer.
Bookings can be made through our dedicated Brunswick Buddies booking website and we accept regular and adhoc bookings, for both our Breakfast and After School club.
Please visit Magic Booking to create an account and book your sessions:
https://brunswick.magicbooking.co.uk/Register or
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club is open Monday to Friday and runs from 7.45am until the start of the day
Breakfast Club Prices
Standard session: £4.75
We provide breakfast for the children attending the Breakfast club and this will include a choice of cereal, toast, crumpets, bagels and fresh fruit along with juice, milk and water. We are also able to meet individual dietary requirements, always use fresh ingredients and follow statutory guidelines. We recognise the importance of healthy nutrition for children delivered in a calm, friendly setting.
Terms and Conditions Click Here
Magic Booking Step by Step Guide Click Here Magic Booking step by step guide.pdf
After School Club
After School Club is open Monday to Friday and runs from the end of the school day until 6.00pm
After School Club Prices
Standard session: £13.70
Sibling Discount: 5% (if the same days are booked)
Weekly discount: 7.5%
We provide healthy snacks, including fresh fruit and vegetables and fresh drinking water is available at all times. The food we provide will always be vegetarian and is not intended as a substitute for a main evening meal. We always use fresh ingredients and follow statutory guidelines. We are also able to meet individual dietary requirements and recognise the importance of healthy nutrition for children delivered in a calm, friendly setting.
Childcare Voucher Providers
We accept a variety of Childcare Voucher Providers details of these are below. (Please let us know if your voucher provider is not on the list and we will be happy to set up an account)
Childcare Grant Payment Service: Reference Number CCG9968929
Sodexo: Carer Reference 904856
Edenred: Account Number P21266461
Reward Gateway Childcare: Childcare ID 20397753492
Enjoy Benefits: Use school postcode BN3 1RP
Computershare: User ID: 0026501874
Caboodle: Use school postcode BN3 1RP
Care 4: Account Number 45532768
Kiddivouchers: Use school postcode BN3 1RP
Tax Free Childcare Government Scheme: Use school postcode BN3 1RP
Brunswick Buddies direct line: 01273 765781 (Monday-Friday 8.45am – 3.45pm)
Email: bb@brunswick.brighton-hove.sch.uk - for general day to day queries
Email: bbfinance@brunswick.brighton-hove.sch.uk - for all account and Magic Booking queries