Brunswick Primary School, Somerhill Road, BN3 1RP

01273 711816

Brunswick Primary School

Achieving success with determination and joy

Year 6 Spring 1 - 2025

Was the Home Front more important than the Front Line?

Home Learning Grid - click

Learning Quest Booklet - click

Spelling word list

Week 1 and 2

Week 3 and 4

Week 5 and 6


Year 6 Autumn 2 - 2024

How do animals, including us, shape the story of life?

Home Learning Grid - click

Learning Quest Booklet - click

Spelling word list

Week 1 and 2

Week 3 and 4

Week 5 and 6

Week 7 and 1 (Spring term)


Year 6 Autumn 1 - 2024

What happened to the Mayans?

Home Learning Grid - click

Learning Quest Booklet - click

Spelling word list

Week 1 and 2

Week 3 and 4

Week 5 and 6

Week 7 and 8

Meet the Y6 Teachers Presentation - click here

Y6 PGL Presentation - click here

Year 6 Summer 1


How have inventions changed over time and what impact did they have on people’s lives? 

Home Learning Grid - Click

Quest Booklet - Click

Spelling word lists

Weeks 1 and 2

Weeks 3 and 4

Weeks 5 and 6 



SATs parent presentation - click here (on presentation use links for revision aids)

SATs home learning: Please feel free to pick and choose to help support your learning in preparation for SATs.