Brunswick Primary School, Somerhill Road, BN3 1RP

01273 711816

Brunswick Primary School

Achieving success with determination and joy


Subject Intent 

Developing thoughtful, holistic, curious, children through an enquiry based, child-centred Maths curriculum who have a deep sense of worth and belonging. Flexible thinkers who are equipped to embrace change and shape their future.  Using the key skills of Maths to make excellent progress.  

Key Drivers  

Purposeful ​ 

Our children will have the vocabulary, knowledge and skills necessary to explore, develop and achieve in Maths.  

Aspirational ​ 

Our children will explore Maths through varied authentic stimuli and respond in a range of creative ways, making purposeful links to other areas of learning. ​ 

Personal ​ 

Our children will question and reflect on Maths and its impact on their real-life experience. ​ 

Universal ​ 

Our children will learn how Maths impacts locally, nationally, and globally and makes a difference to modern life. ​ 

Our Maths Curriculum 

At Brunswick, we believe that everyone can do Maths! As such, we have adopted a Mastery approach using the Curriculum Prioritisation and National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Maths materials.  

Our curriculum aims to: 

  • have number at its heart - a large proportion of time is spent embedding number work to build fluency 
  • ensure the use of mathematically rich resources as vehicles for learning 
  • support and provide depth within a year group’s objectives 
  • ensure students can stay together as they work through material 
  • provide plenty of opportunities to build reasoning and problem-solve.  


Click here to see our Maths policy

Calculation Policy 

Brunswick has a Calculations Policy that is based on the concrete-pictorial-abstract approach of Maths Mastery. We believe that all children, when introduced to a new concept, should have the opportunity to build competency by using:    

  • concrete objects and manipulatives to help them understand what they are doing; 
  • pictorial representations to help with reasoning and problems solving; 
  • concrete and pictorial methods to aid understanding of abstract calculation. 

Click here to see our Calculation policy

Links to Year Groups

The National Curriculum for Mathematics 2014, Development Matters (2021) and the Early Learning Goals (Number and Numerical Pattern) provide the basis of our long term planning for mathematics.  

In Early Years we teach Maths using the Mastering Number programme which aims to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense. These materials are supplemented by opportunities for children to explore and create pattern, as well as learn about shapes, space and measures.  

Mastering Number Reception

Mastering Number Year 1

Mastering Number Year 2


Each year group in KS1 and KS2 follows a long-term plan for mathematics which ensures coverage and progression within 7 key aspects of mathematics: 


Reception Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

Each unit of learning is supported by professional development guides that show the small steps pupils need to take to become fluent and competent mathematicians. These include opportunities to explore a concept using the concrete, pictorial and abstract approach. These also detail: 

  • Critical prior knowledge 
  • Misconceptions 
  • Vocabulary 
  • Stem sentences and generalisations 
  • Milestones to be assessed throughout the unit 
  • Opportunities for depth 

In order to develop fluency in addition and subtraction facts and times tables, children have daily fluency sessions of 10 minutes. These give children the opportunity to practice and develop automaticity in recalling key number facts. Additionally we use online educational resource TTrockstars, particularly in Year 4 where pupils undertake the statutory Multiplication Tables Check.  


For more information on this please visit:  

Useful Links



Nrich challenges




 Top Tips for Everyday Maths at Home



Bar modelling



Online Maths and times table resources

Progression Maps

To find out more about Maths coverage and how it progresses throughout each year group, please click below:

Place Value

Addition and Subtraction

Multiplication and Division


Ratio and Proportion



Geometry - shapes

Geometry - position and direction




If you are unsure of some of the mathematical terminology used in school, click on the link below to find out more!

Maths Vocabulary